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A Very Important Instrument That Does Not Get The Value It Deserves: The bass

Hello everyone!

Today, I’m going to share with you an issue that is of particular interest to the music world, especially the Rock. 

Today, I will talk about how the bass guitar matters to a Rock band. At some stage in your life, you may have encountered a person who says, “the bass guitar doesn’t do much anyway.”

I advise you to get away from that person immediately. Ignore him7her. Those are the kinds of people that do not know music. 

Or you can read my blog post to yell back at them to say that how dumb they are and eplain them the value of this unique instrument. If you’re ready, I’ll notify you a little bit about bass guitar and assist you better to convince people on its importance. Of course, some may already know it, but those who do not will benefit from the post. 

What is the Bass?

Bass guitar is quite similar to electric guitar in principle. The difference between a bass guitar and other guitars is that the bass gives the sound 1 octave lower than a regular guitar. That is what makes the instrument very special because the only guitar that can do it is the bass. 

There may be some among you who play the bass guitar or who want to play. As a bass player we’re special, always remember that, and don’t mind the empty talk. 

Now you’ll understand more clearly why we’re important and special. 

Think of a rock band

I want you to think of a rock band of four…The most important building block of this group is the bassist. Not the front man! Drummer in second place, electric guitarist in third place and finally vocals. No offense guys, but anyone who’s into music knows that’s the way it is.

As for the reason, rhythm control is not on the drummer, but on the bass. The drummer listens to the bass and follows his rhythm by the bass. All the rhythms that we shake our heads at, that excite us, are thanks to the underrated bass. Scroll down and see the suggested few songs, so you can hear it in your ear.

When we talk about the importance and functioning of this unique instrument, maybe some of our friends are likely to be bassists. Let me talk to them a little bit about bass chords and things to look out for. In fact, the chords of success and classical guitar are practically identical. In people’s minds, there’s always a zero-learning process for the bass. That’s an incorrect idea. A person who plays a regular guitar cannot easily switch to playing the bass.

Which bass to choose?

Let’s just say you’ve decided to switch to the bass guitar. Here it comes into play which bass you will get. When choosing bass guitar, you should first pay attention to which wood it is made from. The type of wood it’s made from is really one of the most essential elements that reflect the characteristic of the guitar, and it should be the first thing to pay attention to. Preferred wood species in bass guitars are usually Agathis, Ash, Alder, Mahogany, Basswood, and Maple-type woods. Before you purchase your guitar, you should ask what wood it’s made of. The other fundamental issue after the wood selection will be how many strings your guitar should have and its magneticity. For the beginners, my suggestion would be a four-wire bass. Next, you can switch to five and six wire guitars. In addition, issues like the handle length, number of frets and magnetics of the guitar are important issues in the bass.

Here, I’ve told you about the importance of success and some things that beginners should pay attention to. Everyone will give this unique instrument the value it deserves one day. Keep in mind that they are exceptional to those who play like this instrument. 

Suggestions:  Bon Jovi – Livin’ On A Prayer

                       Queen – Another One Bites the Dust 

Take care! 

Anıl Uzun